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Missouri Aircraft Insurance Debacle Explained

  • 19 May 2022 9:07 AM
    Message # 12786095
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Per Clyde Ehrhardt:

    The problem lies with the Missouri insurance commission. They have decided that according to Missouri law, aircraft flown for pleasure and personal business should be regulated as under personal lines insurance rules. For many years prior, aviation was exempt from this ruling. The current insurance commissioner does not agree with this exemption. Aircraft are being rated just as you would rate an automobile. My understanding is that personal lines insurance rules says, insurance companies must file every rate they will charge for any pilot in any aircraft. As you might imagine, the combination of pilot profiles to each make and model aircraft would need to have a different rate filed with the state for each situation. This is just the tip of the iceberg. 5 companies have decided they will not write any business and pleasure aircraft in Missouri. One of the reasons is the state audits insurance companies every year. Not only to make sure the companies have enough money to pay for there losses but they are looking a policies and if the rates being charged in the policy are not on file with the insurance department these aviation companies are fined $ for each policy found to be not in compliance with Missouri insurance law ( rules) . Call me at 800-394-2062 and I will be glad to go into more detail.

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